Our Partners

Expect, Engage, Empower by OSERS
Raise expectations, engage families earlier, and empower all who support transition services to improve postsecondary outcomes for children and youth with disabilities.

Center on Youth Voice Youth Choice
Resource center that empowers youth with disabilities to develop agency in their decisions after becoming legal adults.

IDEA Data Center
Helps states collect, report, analyze, and use high-quality data as required by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

National Center for College Students with Disabilities
The only federally-funded national center in the U.S. with information and resources for future and current college students with disabilities.

National Center on Deafblindness
Supports state deafblind projects to help children with deafblindness learn, access the general education curriculum, and successfully transition to adult life.

National Center for Systemic Improvement (NCSI)
Differentiated support through Universal, Targeted, and Intensive technical assistance to support SEAs to establish and meet high expectations for every student with a disability.

National Deaf Center (NDC)
Information, networks, and strategies to improve continuing education and training for deaf people.

Think College
Resources, technical assistance and training related to college options for students with intellectual disability. National listing of college programs for students with ID/D.

Vocational Rehabilitation Technical Assistance Center for Quality Employment (VRTAC-QE)
Our goal is to help people with disabilities achieve quality employment and career advancement, with emphasis on competitive integrated employment.

Vocational Rehabilitation Technical Assistance Center for Quality Management (VRTAC-QM)
Training and technical assistance for State VR agency personnel to increase the number and quality of employment outcomes for people with ID/D.