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Indicator 13 Checklists

Originally developed by NSTTAC these checklists have been used to identify how IEPs meet minimum compliance with Indicator 13, the transition requirements of the IEP. These checklists have been developed to provide professional development to transition personnel . Indicator 13 states: “Percent of youth with IEPs aged 16 and above with an IEP that includes appropriate measurable postsecondary goals that are …

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Quality Indicator Checklists

These are the quality indicator checklists used to review research articles for the purpose of determining level of evidence for a specific practice. QI Checklist CORRELATIONAL (docx) QI Checklist GROUP (docx) QI Checklist MIXED METHODS (docx) QI Checklist QUALITATIVE (docx) QI Checklist SINGLE CASE (docx)