This video contains a review of 28 states’ interagency strategic plans for secondary transition capacity building for 2022-23.
Colorado’s Framework Sequencing of Services Initiative: Continuum of Collaboration
Learn how Colorado brought together thoughtful state level leaders to develop and implement a framework for how to better serve and coordinate services for students and youth with disabilities.
Improving Outcomes of Youth with Emotional Disturbances through Transition & CTE
Research has shown that three transition practices can make a profound positive impact on postsecondary employment and training for students with emotional disturbance. Three guides for special educators and transition planners, and tip sheets for students, have been developed to provide a roadmap and resources for putting these research findings into practice.
Opening Space for New Voices to Lead
This webinar provides strategies to engage and empower new voices in statewide, community, and individual-level efforts to improve outcomes for people with disabilities. Join us to listen, learn, and share your own experiences.
Strategic Planning to Improve Outcomes: STEM-ECO at the Student, School, & Community Levels
In this webinar, members of the STEM-ECO team from Corbett High School describe strategies they implemented to help students who experience disability access STEM/CTE career pathways, and the school-wide transformations and outcomes from participation with STEM ECO.
Closing Keynote Session: Energized to Make a Difference
During this closing keynote session, members of the NTACT:C’s Youth Engagement Transition Initiative (YETI) engage state team student, youth, and/or young adult members in a discussion regarding their state’s reflections of this year’s CBVI and their state’s goals for the 2022-23 year.
Engaging Parent & Family Partners in Transition Planning
Learn how Parent Centers are working to improve transition outcomes for youth with disabilities by leveraging strong collaborations with State Education Agencies, state and local stakeholders, and community partners.
Correctional Education & Secondary Transition
The purpose of this session is to provide an overview of technical assistance needs of states in providing correctional education to students with disabilities. An overview of OSEP’s Correctional Education Self-Assessment Tool are provided. Pennsylvania will highlight how they have used the Self-Assessment Tool in providing correctional education to students with disabilities in their state.
Aligning Resources & Supports – Strategies for Accessing Underserved Populations
This session provides informational resources and strategies regarding how to best engage underserved students with disabilities in urban and rural environments with an emphasis on the alignment of interagency community supports and resources.
Understanding Financial Responsibilities in Service Delivery: Supplementing not Supplanting
Florida took the intent of the WIOA and put Florida state statutes in place that emphasize partners working together for the success of students and youth with disabilities. Learn how Florida Vocational Rehabilitation operationalized a formal Interagency Agreement between the State Education Agency and Vocational Rehabilitation at the local level with schools and other partners to avoid duplication or supplanting of services to students with disabilities.