Delaware has a history of promoting implementation of evidence-based practices, including promoting self-determination and youth leadership development, while attending to compliant IEPs regarding secondary transition. After observing a year of low compliance rates a decade ago, the state reexamined its data collection and program improvement strategies. State Need/Relevant Indicators: Indicator B-13 During the 2014-2015 School Year, the Delaware Department of Education …
Pennsylvania Spotlight on Continuous Improvement
Pennsylvania’s commitment to continuous improvement is exemplified by the positive trends across four indicators. State Need/Relevant Indicators: Indicators B-1 (and 17), B-2, B-13, B-14 Pennsylvania’s efforts around Part B Indicators 1 (and 17), 2, 13, and 14, as outlined in the State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR), are focused on improving educational and post-school outcomes for students with disabilities, with …
Nevada Spotlight on Collaborative Service Delivery
Like all states, Nevada had a goal of improving outcomes. To meet this goal, they focused on increased enrollment in Pre-Employment Services and Career and Technical Education for students with disabilities. State Need/Relevant Indicators: Indicator B-1, B-2, B-14 The focus on increasing enrollment in Pre-Employment Services (Pre-ETS) and Career and Technical Education (CTE) was based on a thorough understanding of …
Utah Spotlight on Improving Postsecondary Outcomes
The Utah Statewide Collaborative on Improving Postsecondary Transition Outcomes for Individuals with Disabilities (STC), created through statute, is a working partnership of all the state agencies and many other organizations focused on improving outcomes for individuals with disabilities. State Need/Relevant Indicators: Indicator B-14 (and 17) The STC examined met for one year, reviewing disaggregated post-school outcome and other data, explored …
State Team Planning Tool & Resources
A key technical assistance activity that we at NTACT:C provide is resources and support to states that are engaging in state-level interagency team planning. We have created a number of tools and resources state interagency teams can use to prepare for and participate in quality team planning. Below are a few resources team leads can use with their teams prior …
State Team Celebration and Sharing of State Plans for 2022-23
This video contains a review of 28 states’ interagency strategic plans for secondary transition capacity building for 2022-23.