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Creating Partnerships for Access and Equity for Students with Disabilities in CTE

OnDemand, Training - Employment, Training - Secondary Education, Training - Transition Planning, Training - VR Transition, Webinar

A discussion around the importance of building State and Local Collaboration among Career and Technical Education (CTE), Vocational Rehabilitation (VR), and Special Education (SpEd) partners will be presented during this webinar.

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Improving Outcomes of Youth with Emotional Disturbances through Transition & CTE

CBVI Sessions 2022, Training - Employment, Training - Justice Equity Diversity Inclusion, Training - Transition Planning

Research has shown that three transition practices can make a profound positive impact on postsecondary employment and training for students with emotional disturbance. Three guides for special educators and transition planners, and tip sheets for students, have been developed to provide a roadmap and resources for putting these research findings into practice.