
Improving Outcomes of Youth with Emotional Disturbances through Transition & CTE

CBVI Sessions 2022, Training - Employment, Training - Justice Equity Diversity Inclusion, Training - Transition Planning


About this Training

The secondary and postsecondary outcomes for students with emotional disturbance are poor, and often worst compared to any other disability group. However, longitudinal research has shown that three transition practices can make a profound positive impact on postsecondary employment and training. These are: 1) career and technical education (CTE); 2) student-led IEPs; and 3) community agency representation at IEP transition planning. Three guides for special educators and transition planners, and tip sheets for students, have been developed to provide a roadmap and resources for putting these research findings into practice. Based on these guides, specific strategies are described along with the special considerations needed to address the unique needs of this disability type.

Participants will:

  • Learn about the postsecondary outcomes of students with emotional disturbance;
  • Be equipped with three research-based effective transition practices for students with emotional disturbance: Career Technical Education (CTE); Community Partnerships; and Student-led IEPs; and
  • Learn strategies to mitigate barriers that students with emotional disturbance face with engaging and completing CTE to help them prepare for careers.