About this Training
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) places heightened emphasis on coordination and collaboration at the Federal, State, and Local levels to ensure a streamlined and coordinated service delivery system for all job-seekers, including students and youth with disabilities. Local workforce development boards and Vocational Rehabilitation agencies should coordinate and complement agency-specific services with each other, as well as educational agencies serving students with disabilities. This presentation highlights two states’ partnerships with their respective Title I Youth programs to deliver Pre-Employment Transition Services.
Participants will:
- Understand the basic eligibility requirements, services, and outcomes associated with the WIOA Title I Youth Program and how both Vocational Rehabilitation and Education can partner with the WIOA Title I Youth program to support students and youth with disabilities in transition;
- Receive an overview of programming implemented by Minnesota and Texas that effectively partners with their respective WIOA Title I Youth programs including lessons learned and emerging best practices; and
- Have an opportunity to ask questions and engage in discussion with the panel members.