Predictors of Postschool Success

Predictors of Post School Success


What Are Predictors?

Research suggests youth with disabilities are less likely to experience positive outcomes compared to peers without disabilities. Identification of in-school predictors of postschool success can provide educators and vocational rehabilitation counselors with information to design, evaluate, and improve transition programs.

Source: Secondary Transition Predictors of Postschool Success: An Update to the Research Base

List of Predictors of Post School Success

By clicking on a predictor of post school success below, you will get a list of effective practices that align with it.

Total: 23

Predictors/Outcomes Education Employment Independent Living
Career Awareness Promising Promising
Career Technical Education Research-based Evidence-based
Community Experiences Promising
Exit Exam Requirements/High School Diploma Status Promising
Goal Setting Research-based Research-based Research-based
Inclusion in General Education Research-based Research-based Research-based
Interagency Collaboration Promising Promising
Occupational Courses Promising Promising
Paid Employment/Work Experience Research-based Research-based Promising
Parent Expectations Promising Research-based
Parent Involvement Promising
Program of Study Research-based Research-based
Psychological Empowerment Promising Promising Promising
Self-Care/Independent Living Skills Promising Promising Research-based
Self-determination/Self-advocacy Research-based Research-based Promising
Self-realization Promising Promising
Social Skills Promising Promising
Student Support Promising Research-based Promising
Technology Skills Promising
Transition Program Research-based Promising
Travel Skills Promising
Work Study Research-based
Youth Autonomy/Decision Making Research-based Research-based Promising

Key Resources