Workplace Readiness Training
This section includes information about workplace readiness training to develop social and independent living skills.
Workplace Readiness Training
Workplace readiness traits describe a number of commonly expected, skills that employers seek from most employees. Work readiness skills are a set of skills and behaviors that are necessary for any job. Work readiness skills are sometimes called soft skills, employability skills, or job readiness skills.
These abilities help employees learn how to interact with supervisors and co-workers. They help reinforce the importance of timeliness and build an understanding of how we are perceived by others. Employers value employees who can communicate effectively and act professionally. No matter what technical skills a job may require, every job requires good social skills/interpersonal skills.
Source: Federal Partners in Transition: What to Know About Youth Transition Services for Students with Disabilities.
Key Resources:
Resources for this Required Activity:
Recommended Training:
Resources for this Required Activity
Guiding Questions, Activities, Progress and Outcome Indicators:
Workplace Readiness Training: WORD (docx) | PDF (PDF)Curriculum Options
A collection of activities to help youth with disabilities practice essential work skills.
WINTAC has worked with Employment Resources, Inc. (ERI), the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and the University of Wisconsin-Stout Vocational Rehabilitation Institute (SVRI) to design a series of web-based modules specific to the five required WIOA Pre-Employment Transition Services activities for use with students with disabilities.
- T-Folio - A free transition portfolio tool for high school age students with disabilities, designed in Washington State through the collaboration of the Center for Change in Transition Services (CCTS) and the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR). Work-based learning experiences is one of the units in this on-line tool, and it includes lessons on informational interviews and job shadowing
- Pathways to the Future - The West Virginia Division of Rehabilitation Services Pathways to the Future grant project has developed a Sample Lessons to Life After High School manual to facilitate purposeful implementation of secondary transition requirements as prompted by recent legislation and subsequent regulations of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act and amendments to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. It serves as a first step to formalizing guidance for West Virginia Division of Rehabilitation Services and Education professionals charged with youth transition, specifically the five required Pre-Employment Transition Services.
- TransitionTN Curriculum Database - TransitionTN has developed a searchable database of curriculum that includes options for providing the five required pre-employment transition services. You can search by Pre-ETS category, payment type (Free to subscription) and accessibility for hearing and vision impairments.
- program offers more than 200 topics, including more than 7,000 lessons, more than 1,000 videos, and more than 50 interactive links and games, completely free. We advise that you thoroughly review these to see what activities you would approve your vendors using.
- AFB Transition To Work Program Activity Guide
The Transition to Work: Program Activity Guide was created for Community Rehabilitation Program (CRP) Providers, Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Agencies, and Teachers of the Visually Impaired (TVI's) working to improve employment outcomes for teens and young adults who are blind or visually impaired. This program activity guide has 19 lessons meant to address WIOA requirements. The activities included in this guide are for service providers to utilize to provide instruction and services to youth who are blind or visually impaired in three of the five required areas: job exploration, work-based learning, and workplace readiness training. The activities can be printed, access electronically, and even e-mailed. The activities are also available as electronic braille files (BRF) in the Unified English Braille (UEB) Code ready to be embossed. The BRF files are available for download at the bottom of each lesson. Right-click and "save as" to download a file to a computer.
- Find a Job - Career planning toolkit for teachers and career advisors
- Habits of Work - Soft skills curriculum you can use by itself or with extended learning opportunities, internships and other work-related learning experiences.
Utah State Office of Education, “Adult Roles and Responsibilities”:
- Skills to Pay the Bills - "Skills to Pay the Bills: Mastering Soft Skills for Workplace Success," is a curriculum developed by ODEP focused on teaching "soft" or workforce readiness skills to youth, including youth with disabilities. Created for youth development professionals as an introduction to workplace interpersonal and professional skills, the curriculum is targeted for youth ages 14 to 21 in both in-school and out-of-school environments. The basic structure of the program is comprised of modular, hands-on, engaging activities that focus on six key skill areas: communication, enthusiasm and attitude, teamwork, networking, problem solving and critical thinking, and professionalism.
- Essential Skills to Getting A Job...What Young People with Disabilities need to Know No Cost
The office of Disability Employment Policy, US Department of Labor, provides a summarized list of skills needed to get a job and includes a resource listing of curriculum and materials that can be used by workforce preparation staff.
Activities by Disability Type
- National Deaf Center - Pre-ETS Guide
- CCER VR Orientation & Mobility Community Resources for COVID-19
- Blind Abilities - The free Blind Abilities app is the quickest way to reach your High School students, College bound students, and those seeking information about blindness. All the podcasts and blogs are created by fellow blind/visually impaired people who have or are breaking down the obstacles and sharing their experiences. Categories of podcasts address college-careers and STEM, job insights, tech abilities, technology, independent living and more. Podcasts could be used as part of an activity for the five required pre-ets activities. This was originally created with funding through Pre-ETS from MN-SSB.
Activities by Skill
Financial Literacy/Money Skills
- Money Smart for Young Adults
- National Endowment for Financial Education Homepage. The Jump$tart Coalition
- Clearinghouse of Free Resources contains links to a number of financial literacy tools, including:
- Bank It - Bank It is an online financial literacy program that is designed to help parents and teens understand, talk about, and manage their money. Through use of both a website and guidance on how to conduct live, local workshops, Bank It covers 12 key financial topics, including budgeting, setting goals, investing, charitable giving, earning income, credit and debt, and insurance.
- Check It Out! - This lesson is about checking accounts for middle and high school students. The list includes the following materials: teacher or guest speaker notes, blank checks and check register handouts, reconciliation sheets, and a True or False quiz. This resource supports Michigan Educational Standards and Benchmarks.
- - This website provides resources and tips for kids, teen, parents, and teachers on handling finances. Resources for teachers include lessons on budgeting, credit, financial decision making, and the stock market.
- Financial Literacy for Teens - This resource from Investopedia teaches financial literacy topics such as budgeting and money management to teens. There are also links to similar resources for tweens and younger children.
- Financial Literacy for Everyone - This resource from Practical Money Skills provides lesson plans and resources for PreK-College, including students with disabilities.
- Preparing for Adulthood: Taking Charge of My Own Health Care: PACER Center’s Youth Advisory Board on mental health discuss topics related to transitioning from pediatric health care to adult heath care. This 4-part series includes topics on coordinating health care, how medical providers and teachers can help youth take charge of their own health care, preparing for medical appointments, and guardianship.
- Before Age 18 ( - Short activities with tips and resources about living healthy.
Disability Benefits
- DB101’s Work, Benefits, Youth: Browse DB101's youth section to learn more about school, work, health care, and saving for the future. Try out the School and Work Estimator.
Activities by State
- Indiana Secondary Transition Resource Center
- Minnesota Employment Resource Guide: Successfully Preparing Students with Disabilities for Competitive Integrated Employment
- Minnesota's Pre-ETS Toolkit with Resources - A Resource for Providing Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) for Minnesota Students with Disabilities.
- Disability Hub MN: A free statewide resource network that helps you solve problems, navigate the system and plan for your future.
- Job Accommodation Network (JAN): A free online workplace accommodation toolkit.
- Soft Skills: The National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability (NCWD) provides resources describing soft skills and guidance on how to develop these skills.
- Essential Skills to Getting A Job...What Young People with Disabilities need to Know: The office of Disability Employment Policy, US Department of Labor, provides a summarized list of skills needed to get a job and includes a resource listing of curriculum and materials that can be used by workforce preparation staff.