The Rehabilitation Services Administration encourages state vocational rehabilitation agencies to examine the data collected by the VR program for continuous improvement, enhanced collaboration, and maximizing high-quality employment opportunities for individuals, including students and youth, served by VR (source: ReThink VR Performance Plan, 2019).
Resources and updates to support state agencies with regard to data collection in the context of the Rehabilitation Act (1973) as amended by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act (2014) are included below. These resources include tools and websites supported by RSA and NTACT:C’s partner Technical Assistance (TA) Centers and organizations.

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Pre-Employment Transition Services
Training to begin exploring jobs and career interests through additional VR services. Explore options on how to make available to all students with disabilities who need those services. More about Pre-Employment Transition Services.VR Transition Services
Services provided by State vocational rehabilitation (VR) agencies to facilitate the transition from school to post-school life, such as achievement of an employment outcome in competitive integrated employment, or pre-employment transition services.. More about VR Transition Services.Key Resources
- Crosswalk of Data Indicators for WIOA, IDEA, PerkinsV
- Pre-Employment Transition Services Checklist
- Pre-Employment Transition Services Data Tool
- RSA Case Service Reporting (RSA)
- RSA Financial Reporting Instructions (RSA)
- Measurable Skills Gains Data Tool (RehabData Group)
- Other Measures that Matter (RehabData Group)
- VR Program Reporting Requirements (VRTAC-Q)