The Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) represents an important opportunity to expand opportunities for every student to explore, choose, and follow career and technical education programs of study and career pathways to earn credentials of value. Perkins V includes specific supports for unique demographic groups, referred to in the law as special populations, …
Who Does What? Optimizing Employment Services and Supports Webinar
Various entities, including Vocational Rehabilitation and higher education programs, provide postsecondary education programs for students/youth with intellectual and developmental disability (ID/D). Coordinating different services goes a long way toward a student’s employment outcome, but it can be daunting to know where to start. In this 1.5 hour recorded webinar from Think College, NTACT:C and Think College personnel share an overview of …
Get to Know Your School Counselor: Improving Collaboration to Support College and Career Readiness for Youth with Disabilities
This webinar will focus on the nature of college and career readiness supports among youth with IEPs, on 504 plans, and without disabilities using the National Longitudinal Transition Study 2012 data.
OSERS Q&A – Increasing Postsecondary Opportunities and Success for Students and Youth with Disabilities
This “Questions and Answers” (Q&A) describes how agencies may coordinate to assist students and youth with disabilities through appropriate supports funded under IDEA, the Rehabilitation Act, and WIOA.
Differences Between High School and Postsecondary Education
Chart to share with anyone involved in supporting students in making successful transition from high school to postsecondary education and training programs.
How Do You Know Students are College & Career Ready?
Get an overview of the development of a new measure, College and Career Readiness for Transition (CCR4T).
Effective Strategies to Build Collaborative Partnerships Webinar
Effective strategies and tools to build collaborative partnerships between VR and LEAs to improve services coordination for students with disabilities are revealed.
Career and Technical Education & Secondary Students with Disabilities Quick Guide
This guide outlines key information about career and technical education, its benefits, interagency collaboration related to it, and examples and links to websites with more detailed and specific information.
Postsecondary Education & Training Preparation Toolkit
This toolkit is designed for students with a disability, family members, service providers, or educators to consider options and plan for access and success across a variety of postsecondary education and training opportunities.
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in Secondary Education
This resource provides a basic review of Universal Design for Learning as well as multiple additional resources for more in-depth strategies and information.