VR Transition Services
Transition services is a term used to describe a set of services provided by schools and State vocational rehabilitation agencies. Both are designed improve post-school outcomes for students and youth with disabilities. The specific transition services VR and schools provide are a little different and designed to work together. The information below is about VR Transition Services, which focus on services related to employment.
Transition services provided by State vocational rehabilitation (VR) agencies to students with disabilities facilitate the transition from school to post-school life, such as achievement of an employment outcome in competitive integrated employment, or pre-employment transition services.
VR can provide transition services to an eligible student or youth with a disability in accordance with an approved Individual Plan for Employment (IPE).
Since the amendments to the Rehabilitation Act made by title IV of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), the VR program can be characterized as providing a continuum of services beginning with pre-employment transition services for students with disabilities in the early stages of career and employment exploration.
VR Continuum of Services
Pre-ETS Services
- earliest set of services for potentially eligible or eligible students with disabilities
- short term in nature to help identify career interests
- specific set of five required activities provided directly to students with disabilities under Pre-ETS
- states must reserve a minimum of 15% of federal funds to provide Pre-ETS services
Transition Services
- available for eligible students with disabilities through an IPE
- help further develop and pursue career interests through post-secondary education, vocational training, job search, job placement, job retention, job follow-up and job follow-along services
Employment Related Services
- typically provided once eligible students with disabilities have further identified, developed and pursued career interests, offered through transition services, and are pursuing specific employment outcomes through an IPE
- assist in preparing for, securing, retaining, advancing in or regaining an employment outcome
Find downloadable versions of this continuum in Key Resources section of this page.
Following the continuum, transition services represent the next set of VR services available to students with disabilities. They are outcome-oriented and promote movement from school to post-school activities, including postsecondary education, vocational training, and competitive integrated employment. As such, transition services provided by VR may include job related services, such as job search and placement assistance, job retention services, follow-up services, and follow along services based on the needs of the individual’’ (81 FR at 55685).

What's New
Who Does What? Optimizing Employment Services and Supports Webinar
March 19, 2024ABLE – Savings Plans for the Future
February 28, 2024Key Resources
- Policy Guide for VR Transition Services
- Contracting Guide for State VR Agencies
- A Transition Guide to Postsecondary Education and Employment for Students and Youth with Disabilities
- OSERS Q&A – Increasing Postsecondary Opportunities and Success for Students and Youth with Disabilities
- VR Continuum of Services
- Side-by-Side View: Transition Services
- Federal Partners in Transition Plan and Transition Fact Sheet
- Federal Partners in Transition Work-Based Learning Fact Sheet
- VR Sub-Regulatory Guidance
- FFY2023 RSA Monitoring and TA Guide (MTAG)
- Who Does What? Optimizing Employment Services and Supports Webinar
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