Graduation & Dropout

Students with disabilities graduate from high school at significantly lower rates than their non-disabled peers. The national average graduation rates for:

All Students


Students with Disabilities


(Civic Enterprises & Everyone Graduates Center, 2015; DePaoli et al, 2016).

Young adults with disabilities who are also from culturally and linguistically diverse families often fare even worse (Grady & Bost, 2014)

Dropping out of school is typically a process that begins as early as elementary school (Ensminger & Slusarcick, 1992), and there are strong predictors of dropping out that can be identified by the end of 6th grade (Balfanz & Herzog, 2005; 2006).

There are an increasing number of effective, research-based, and promising practices and strategies to improve these statistics. The resources provided here are reviewed and organized to help you make a difference with the students and youth you work with.

Early warning intervention systems, tools for data collection and use, culturally responsive and course recovery practices, as well as many other school completion resources for a variety of audiences are included.
