
Competitive, integrated employment in a career area of one’s choice is an anticipated outcome for all students with disabilities. During the middle and high school years, students identify their career interests and preferences in particular career areas that should drive the assessment, services, experiences, and supports they receive to help refine their career plans.

Multiple stakeholders can be involved in this process, and students with disabilities can receive a variety of employment-focused services, yet public schools and State Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) agencies are mandated to lead employment and pre-employment activities. The Individuals with Education Act (IDEA) and the Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1973, as amended by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) require the provision of services, supports and measures to improve employment outcomes for students and youth with disabilities.

Since the 1990 reauthorization of IDEA, several requirements related to measurable postsecondary goal for employment, development of employment objectives, provision of functional vocational assessment, and community experiences. Since WIOA 2014, five specific Pre-Employment Transition Services are provided by all State VR agencies in collaboration with schools. Students and out-of-school youth may also apply for regular VR services, which are more individualized and comprehensive for their specific employment goal. Examples of services include, but are not limited to:

  • VR counseling and guidance
  • Training and higher education
  • Employment supports (job search, job coaching, etc.)
  • Supported employment, including customized employment
  • On-the-job training
  • Restoration services, including job accommodations

Source: Notice of Interpretation in the Federal Register: Scope of Vocational Rehabilitation Services for Individuals with Disabilities (§361.48)


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