
Transition Discoveries: Operationalizing Local Collaboration a Model for Success

Employment, OnDemand, Training - Transition Planning, Training - VR Transition, Webinar

Recorded Date: October 13, 2022
Time: 2:00 pm EDT / 1:00 pm CDT / 12:00 pm MDT / 11:00 am PDT
Location: Live on Zoom
No CRC credits available

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About this Event

Young people with disabilities, families and the stakeholders make up a powerful network of relationships, knowledge, and experience for what's working in transition. During this session presenters from The George Washington University and Pennsylvania stakeholders from the state and local level will discuss the Transition Discoveries initiative that has been implemented throughout Pennsylvania over the past four years.

Transition Discoveries is based upon a multiyear critical participatory action research study that was conducted with a total of 503 youth and young adults with disabilities (ages 14–25), family members, and transition stakeholders across Pennsylvania to identify what’s working in secondary transition practices. The Transition Discoveries Implementation Model has been adopted by the State of PA and is now in over 40 LEAs. Learn about how the state train-the-trainer and coaching model supports the sites through funding and technical assistance.

Through this data-driven decision-making process, local Transition-Change Agent Teams (T-CATs) composed of youth, families and stakeholders utilize the data to complete a Community Action Planning Process to identify strengths and areas of priority. During this session examine the value of a community, data-driven process and how local sites are implementing action plans in the areas of youth development and youth leadership.

Training Objectives: 

  • Describe the value of meaningfully engaging students and youth with disabilities, family members and other transition stakeholders in the implementation and planning of transition programming and services.
  • Identify potential skills, qualities, and attributes of effective secondary transition practices at the local level that were proven to be effective for students and youth with disabilities, and family members.
  • Describe how to develop a local level planning process to inform programmatic decisions to improve consistency and quality of transition programs.