Total: 19
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Voices of Experience: Family Stories and Essential Resources for Transitioning Students with Disabilities

Coming Up, Scheduled, Training - Family Engagement, Training - Transition Planning, Webinar

In this impactful webinar sponsored by NTACT:C and the RAISE Center, families of students with disabilities and other stakeholders, including professionals from education and vocational rehabilitation, will hear directly from others who have navigated the transition from high school to adult life.

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Engaging with Families Training Module

Families are an important part of a student’s development. Traditional, non-traditional, biological, foster, or adoptive families provide vital support throughout students’ lives, including during the transition to adulthood. However, transition outcomes associated with traditional employment, postsecondary education, and independent living may not always align with the values that many families consider most important. The goal of this module is to …

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Interagency Collaboration Training Module

Like all young adults, students with disabilities require support as they leave school and enter the adult world. For students with disabilities, there may be many agencies and organizations that provide supports and services. Oftentimes, these services can be confusing and overwhelming for families. That’s why interagency collaboration is a must! The purpose of this module is to give you …

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Get to Know Your School Counselor: Improving Collaboration to Support College and Career Readiness for Youth with Disabilities

OnDemand, Postsecondary Education, Training - Interagency Collaboration, Training - Postsecondary Education, Training - Transition Planning, Webinar

This webinar will focus on the nature of college and career readiness supports among youth with IEPs, on 504 plans, and without disabilities using the National Longitudinal Transition Study 2012 data.

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Creating Partnerships for Access and Equity for Students with Disabilities in CTE

OnDemand, Training - Employment, Training - Secondary Education, Training - Transition Planning, Training - VR Transition, Webinar

A discussion around the importance of building State and Local Collaboration among Career and Technical Education (CTE), Vocational Rehabilitation (VR), and Special Education (SpEd) partners will be presented during this webinar.