In this impactful webinar sponsored by NTACT:C and the RAISE Center, families of students with disabilities and other stakeholders, including professionals from education and vocational rehabilitation, will hear directly from others who have navigated the transition from high school to adult life.
Engaging with Families Training Module
Families are an important part of a student’s development. Traditional, non-traditional, biological, foster, or adoptive families provide vital support throughout students’ lives, including during the transition to adulthood. However, transition outcomes associated with traditional employment, postsecondary education, and independent living may not always align with the values that many families consider most important. The goal of this module is to …
Opening Space for New Voices to Lead
This webinar provides strategies to engage and empower new voices in statewide, community, and individual-level efforts to improve outcomes for people with disabilities. Join us to listen, learn, and share your own experiences.
Engaging Parent & Family Partners in Transition Planning
Learn how Parent Centers are working to improve transition outcomes for youth with disabilities by leveraging strong collaborations with State Education Agencies, state and local stakeholders, and community partners.
Value of WBL – What Families Have to Say
This session shares, from the perspective of family members, the value of work-based learning experiences, their role in supporting these experiences, and strategies to better involve them in the process.