Counseling on Postsecondary Education Opportunities
This section describes the pre-employment transition service (pre-ets) service of counseling on opportunities for enrollment in comprehensive transition or postsecondary educational programs at institutions of higher education (IHEs).
For information about postsecondary education and training opportunities that is more comprehensive than the pre-employment transition service, see our Postsecondary Education topic.
Career Clusters
Maximum flexibility in the career decision making process is important in the early phases of Post-Secondary Education (PSE) planning. This includes gaining an awareness of the wide range of career pathway options and labor market realities and projections. The U.S. Department of Labor has created clusters of careers to help schools to provide instruction and monitor student experience. The following 16 broad categories encompass virtually all occupations from entry through professional levels, including those that require varying degrees of education and training, as exemplified by the sample careers within each cluster:
- Agricultural & Natural Resources
- Business and Administration
- Education and Training
- Health Science
- Human Services
- Law and Public Safety
- Government and Public Administration
- Scientific Research/ Engineering
- Arts, A/V Technology & Communications
- Architecture and Construction
- Finance
- Law & Public Safety
- Hospitality & Tourism
- Information & Technology
- Manufacturing
- Retail/Wholesale Sales & Service
- Transportation, Distribution & Logistics
Choosing a career requires student exploration and planning. It is important that students connect the present to the future. It is essential for them to see how skill development and knowledge relate to future opportunities in postsecondary Education (PSE) settings and employment.
Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics (Feb., 2015).
Key Resources
Resources for this Required Activity:
Recommended Training:

Resources for This Required Activity
Guiding Questions, Activities, Progress and Outcome Indicators:
Counseling on Opportunities for Enrollment in Comprehensive Transition or Post-secondary Educational Programs at Institutions of Higher Education: WORD (docx) | PDF (PDF)Curriculum Options

- Explore-Work.com
WINTAC has worked with Employment Resources, Inc. (ERI), the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and the University of Wisconsin-Stout Vocational Rehabilitation Institute (SVRI) to design a series of web-based modules specific to the five required WIOA Pre-Employment Transition Services activities for use with students with disabilities.
- T-Folio - A free transition portfolio tool for high school age students with disabilities, designed in Washington State through the collaboration of the Center for Change in Transition Services (CCTS) and the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR). Work-based learning experiences is one of the units in this on-line tool, and it includes lessons on informational interviews and job shadowing
- Pathways to the Future - The West Virginia Division of Rehabilitation Services Pathways to the Future grant project has developed a Sample Lessons to Life After High School manual to facilitate purposeful implementation of secondary transition requirements as prompted by recent legislation and subsequent regulations of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act and amendments to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. It serves as a first step to formalizing guidance for West Virginia Division of Rehabilitation Services and Education professionals charged with youth transition, specifically the five required Pre-Employment Transition Services.
More Resources
- Guidance and Career Counselors' Toolkit-Advising High School Students with Disabilities on Postsecondary options
This 192 page resource contains answers to counselors' most frequently asked questions about postsecondary opportunities for students with disabilities. Students and their families are encouraged use the toolkit to help guide their transition planning for college and career. This online toolkit has been vetted by the U.S. Department of Education. - Minnesota's Pre-ETS Toolkit with Resources - A Resource for Providing Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) for Minnesota Students with Disabilities.
- Peer Supports: Focusing on the Experiences of College Students with Intellectual Disability - Summarizes findings from a qualitative study that interviewed college students with intellectual disabilities in an attempt to determine what is known about students in inclusive postsecondary education and their experiences with peer supports.
- From the Field: Strategies on Career Development and Employment for Students with Intellectual Disability - a practical guide for college programs to support career development and employment opportunities for students.
- Federal Financial Aid or Students with Intellectual Disabilities
- Increasing Postsecondary Opportunities and Success for Students and Youth with Disabilities