
Postsecondary Education & Training Preparation Toolkit


An array of postsecondary education and training (PSET) options are available for young adults with disabilities. Just as there is a wide range of skills and needs demonstrated by individuals with disabilities, there is an array of opportunities, services, and programs in PSET settings.

The Postsecondary Education and Training Preparation Toolkit (updated in 2023) is a compilation of guidance, research, policies and resources about effective practices to support students with a disability explore and prepare for success in the PSET setting that best fits their needs. Students, family members, service providers, or educators can use the Toolkit to consider options and plan for PSET access and success.

Download the Postsecondary Education and Training Preparation Toolkit (PDF)

Download the Postsecondary Education and Training Toolkit Resources Chart (PDF)

Download the Postsecondary Education and Training Toolkit Data and Policy Resource List (PDF)