Frequently Asked Questions on Pre-Employment Transition Services organized by topic areas.
VR Transition Services to Groups for Students and Youth with Disabilities
This webinar provides an overview of the VR Transition Services to Groups authority and when an agency may want to use the Services to Groups authority.
Understanding the Big Picture: The Connection between Disability and Poverty and Why Financial Capability Matters
By looking at the intersection between disability and poverty, this webinar will address myths and share strategies to promote financial capabilities and gainful employment for youth with disabilities living in or near poverty.
OSERS Q&A – Increasing Postsecondary Opportunities and Success for Students and Youth with Disabilities
This “Questions and Answers” (Q&A) describes how agencies may coordinate to assist students and youth with disabilities through appropriate supports funded under IDEA, the Rehabilitation Act, and WIOA.
OSERS Transition Guide to Postsecondary Education and Employment for Students and Youth with Disabilities
This guide was developed to aid in a seamless transition from school to post-school activities.
Work-Based Learning for Students with High Support Needs: Themes, Strategies, and Policy Recommendations
This informational brief provides an outline of strategies and structure for developing and implementing a work-based learning program for students with complex support needs.
Taxonomy for Transition Programming 2.0
The Taxonomy for Transition Programming 2.0 builds upon the earlier work and provides research-based practices for implementing transition-focused education.
A Guide to Developing Collaborative School-Community-Business Partnerships
Useful approaches, policies, and strategies necessary to facilitate partnerships that result in better outcomes for students and youth with disabilities and tangible mutual benefits for collaborating partners.
Interagency Agreement Toolkit
Guidance on the development of the formal interagency agreement between the vocational rehabilitation and education agencies as part of the implementation of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act.
Transition TN Curriculum Database
Developed a searchable database of curriculum that includes options for providing the five required pre-employment transition services.