This toolkit was developed jointly by WINTAC and NTACT:C to provide guidance on the development of the formal interagency agreement between the vocational rehabilitation and education agencies as part of the implementation of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act.
- Introduction – Interagency Collaboration Toolkit (PDF)
- Guide – Interagency Collaboration Toolkit (PDF)
- State Discussion Prompts – Interagency Collaboration Toolkit (PDF)
- Local Discussion Prompts – Interagency Collaboration Toolkit (PDF)
- VR and SEA – Interagency Collaboration Toolkit (PDF)
- Language Examples – Interagency Collaboration Toolkit (PDF)
Related Resources
- Postsecondary Education and Training Preparation Toolkit
- Pre-Employment Transition Services: A Guide for Collaboration Among State Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies and Education Partners: Section 2 - Building Your Local Partnership
- Competitive Integrated Employment Toolkit: Section III - Interagency Collaboration
Other Resources:
- The 2020 Youth Transition Plan: A federal Interagency Collaboration
A guide to an inclusive approach to improving transition outcomes for youth with disabilities, prepared by the Federal Partners in Transition Workgroup. - A Transition Guide to Postsecondary Education and Employment for Students and Youth with Disabilities
A transition guide prepared by the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS), United States Department of Education. - Community Rehabilitation Providers Pre-ETS Guidebook
This guide helps CRP staff to become versed in Pre-ETS, understand how to work and deliver services to younger students, and develop effective processes to collaborate with multiple partners.