2021 CBVI Conference

Capacity Building Virtual Institute (CBVI) 2021

Capacity Building Institute (CBI)

Thanks for attending the National Technical Assistance Center on Transition: The Collaborative’s (NTACT:C) 2021 Capacity Building Virtual Institute (CBVI).  You can find our collection of recorded training sessions from this event below.

More about the Event:

We were excited to provide a robust and unique CBVI!  Participants attended:

  • high quality content sessions and workshops;
  • strategic planning with interagency state teams;
  • networking events with colleagues and content experts via a fun virtual lounge and through chat; and,
  • much, much more!!!

Youth with disabilities were represented throughout with a focus on the necessary collaborations at each level of the system - from student to state - that are critical to support young people and their families through successful transitions into adult life.

Objectives of the CBVI include increased state team knowledge of and capacity to implement strategies regarding:

  • engagement of students, youth, and families in their educational and transition services;
  • data sharing and use to improve programs;
  • attending to justice, equity, and inclusion in services to diverse populations of secondary students and youth with disabilities;
  • collaborative partnerships and service delivery; and
  • provision of career and technical education, career pathways, and work-based learning experiences for all students and youth with disabilities.

Questions about the NTACT:C 2021 CBVI?   Ask in the Comments section below or Contact Us!