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“Back to the Future” – Pre-ETS and the Five Required Services

OnDemand, Pre-Employment Transition Services, Training - Pre-Employment Transition Services, Webinar

This webinar will introduce you to a few new resources regarding the provision of pre-employment transition services for students with disabilities. States may choose to use these resources as a companion to existing outreach and marketing materials, as a part of their on-boarding with new staff, or simply as a quick desk reference guide. These new resources include a Compendium to the Delivery of Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS), and a stand alone guide for each of the five required Pre-ETS activities.

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Delivering Pre-ETS in Challenging Times

CBVI Sessions 2022, Training - Pre-Employment Transition Services

During this session, representatives from Utah’s Vocational Rehabilitation and State Department of Education explore effective practices, resources, and strategies to support students with disabilities in accessing and engaging in Pre-Employment Transition Services and IDEA Secondary transition services and activities.