Delaware Spotlight on Transition through Partnerships


Delaware has a history of promoting implementation of evidence-based practices, including promoting self-determination and youth leadership development, while attending to compliant IEPs regarding secondary transition. After observing a year of low compliance rates a decade ago, the state reexamined its data collection and program improvement strategies.

State Need/Relevant Indicators: Indicator B-13

During the 2014-2015 School Year, the Delaware Department of Education (DDOE) began implementing a new monitoring process for Indicator 13 (transition planning in the IEP). DDOE determined that its cyclical monitoring process was not a true representation of the state, due to inadequate sample sizes. Beginning with the 2014-2015 school year all districts and charters having transition age (age 14 or in the 8th grade) students IEPs began being monitored for Indicator 13 annually.

Practices Implemented

As a result, the following new process was implemented in a two-phase process:

Phase 1 - LEA Self-Assessment

  • LEAs will be required to conduct a Best Practice = Compliance self-assessment of all student records for students age 14 or in the 8th grade and above
  • DOE will provide LEAs with a student list of all students to be included in the self-assessment
  • Self-Assessment will be sent to DOE by _________
  • Self-Assessment to be complete by _________

Phase 2 – DOE validation of LEA submitted data

  • DOE will review a sample of the submitted data for validation
  • Sample will be a random selection process that represents
    • All schools within the LEA
    • Sample size will also be representative of the student demographics (disability, race/ethnicity, gender)

At the completion of the DOE validation of LEA submitted data if any individual non-compliance is found, the LEA will move into the normal correction of individual non-compliance /systemic correction of non-compliance monitoring process.


The state has consistently reported over 95% compliance since addressing what is viewed as a knowledge issue more than a decade ago, observing growth of 4% in its most recent two years of data.

Some of the efforts that support a culture of quality practices that improve compliance include:

  • DDOE’s Exceptional Children Resources Work Group (ECR) partners with DDOE's CTE work group, DVR, DDDS, and DVI in the PIPEline to Career Success for Students with Disabilities (2) to increase the enrollment, matriculation, graduation, and transition to postsecondary education and competitive employment of students with disabilities through CTE career pathways, including the Student-Led PIPEline leadership program
  • The Statewide Transition Cadre, continues to meet monthly and includes parents, students, LEA staff, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR), Division of the Visually Impaired (DVI), Division of Developmental Disability Services (DDDS), Prison Education, Governor’s Advisory Council for Exceptional Citizens (GACEC), Parent Information Center of Delaware (PIC), Autism Delaware, Delaware Workforce Development Board, and cross-DDOE staff from Higher Education, Career/Technical Education (CTE), Autism Resources, etc.).  Topics address graduation rate, dropout rate, transition planning and post-school outcomes.
  • ECR has established Lunch and Learn sessions to provide LEA staff with targeted professional learning and technical assistance relating to conducting internal reviews of IEPs as part of a self-assessment around transition planning in the IEP.  LEAs participate in discussion and activities focused on ensuring they are correctly implementing IDEA and research-based practices in assessment that leads to post-school goals, to develop transition activities around post-school goals for employment, education and independent living. Use of a Career Development Conceptual Framework is central to the ongoing professional learning sessions.
  • ECR continues to support training through the developing authentic customized work-based learning experiences and jobs for students and adults with disabilities: an online boot camp for educators & employment specialists (Customized Employment Boot Camp).  This course has been designed as a “hit the ground running” experience for employment professionals and school personnel interested in a non-traditional approach to job development, known as Customized Employment (CE) to enhance opportunities of employment for individuals with moderate/significant disabilities.
  • ECR has established a Transition Advisory Group (parents, students, and representatives from LEAs, DVR, Community Integrated Services, PIC and the DDOE), participating in NTACT:C's Post Secondary Transition Capacity Building Institute. The 2023 and 2024 plans include goals which drive their ongoing work:
    • Increase Student Engagement in IEP and the Post Secondary Transition Process
    • Increase and sustain youth Involvement and voice long-term
    • Reach students and families in all areas and racial/minority identities
    • Deliver concise and effective messaging to students and families about post-secondary transition
    • Promote effective collaboration across agencies/schools/educators

Download the Statewide Transition Cadre DE

Download the Pipeline To Career DE

Download the Career Conceptual Framework DE

Download the Best Practice Self Assessment DE

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