
Re-Imagining Student and Youth Engagement: Awareness to Action

OnDemand, Training, Training - Youth Engagement, Webinar, Youth Engagement

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1 CRC credit available

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About this Event

In this webinar, we're going to review the inherent power differential that exists within the youth-transition relationship, and learn how shifting the power differential in the youth-transition relationship from being the "adult" to being an active adult ally supports student and youth engagement and meaningful involvement.

Training Objectives: 

  • Explain a process that can help adults recognize and shift from being the adult to being an active adult ally.
  • List strategies to support continuous engagement of students and youth.


D.J. Ralston, M.A.

Senior Research Associate The George Washington University Center for Rehabilitation Counseling Research and Education (CRCRE)

Melissa Diehl, M.A. Ed., CRC

Project Director GWU – NTACT:C & VRTAC-QM

Sandra Miller, M.S.

Senior Technical Assistance and Research Analyst GWU – NTACT:C