Utah Spotlight on Improving Postsecondary Outcomes


The Utah Statewide Collaborative on Improving Postsecondary Transition Outcomes for Individuals with Disabilities (STC), created through statute, is a working partnership of all the state agencies and many other organizations focused on improving outcomes for individuals with disabilities.

State Need/Relevant Indicators: Indicator B-14 (and 17)

The STC examined met for one year, reviewing disaggregated post-school outcome and other data, explored current infrastructure, and identified a goal.

Goal for Indicator 17: Utah will reduce the percentage of students ages 19-22 exiting a post-high program who report being unengaged or under-engaged on the Indicator 14 survey by 20 percentage points over a five-year period.

Practices Implemented

The STC includes agencies and organizations that are disability-specific and agencies who serve the general population of transition-age youth (including youth with disabilities) to ensure the state infrastructure analysis thoroughly articulates the needs and resources of transition-age youth with disabilities.

To address the activities in their logic model, the STC is broken into three workgroups:

  • Supports for Youth and Families
  • Resource Development, and
  • Agency Collaboration

The full STC meets quarterly with the individual workgroups meeting monthly in between. So, partners have one meeting a month on their calendar for 90 minutes with a little work (maybe a few hours a month) in between meetings to keep the work moving forward. One quarterly meeting is in person with the other three virtual.

The STC has adopted and intentionally pursues:

  • active collaboration
  • data driven
  • creating a shared vision, and
  • student and family focused


Measurable outputs, to date include:

  • MOU in development between workforce services, health and human services, and education
  • Systemic model of postsecondary transition services for students with disabilities in development (Utah Portrait of Postsecondary Transition for Students with Disabilities), as an extension of Utah’s Portrait of a Graduate (download below)
  • Creation of new resources to support youth, families, and educators including an accessible website and the Transition Elevated app.

In Utah’s second year of working toward their SIMR, the state observed a 7.6% reduction in the percentage of unengaged young adults which was 2% lower (better) than its target for that reporting year.

Download the Utah’s Portrait of a Graduate

Download the Utah 2023 SSIP Evaluation Plan

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