
American Foundation of the Blind Transition to Work


The Transition to Work: Program Activity Guide was created for Community Rehabilitation Program (CRP) Providers, Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Agencies, and Teachers of the Visually Impaired (TVI's) working to improve employment outcomes for teens and young adults who are blind or visually impaired.

This program activity guide has 19 lessons meant to address WIOA requirements. The activities included in this guide are for service providers to utilize to provide instruction and services to youth who are blind or visually impaired in three of the five required areas: job exploration, work-based learning, and workplace readiness training. The activities can be printed, access electronically, and even e-mailed. The activities are also available as electronic braille files (BRF) in the Unified English Braille (UEB) Code ready to be embossed. The BRF files are available for download at the bottom of each lesson. Right-click and "save as" to download a file to a computer.

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