Practice Descriptions

Student-Directed Transition Planning Lesson Package to Teach Knowledge of Transition


What is the practice?

The Student-Directed Transition Planning lesson package aims to provide secondary-aged students instruction in self-determination skills and increase student involvement in their transition IEP processes.

Areas of skill instruction include topics such as self-efficacy (i.e., how to be a self-advocate in IEP meetings), developing a vision for employment and post-secondary education, and planning for adult living.

 Where has it been implemented?

  • Rural high school
  • Urban high school
  • State school for students who were blind or visually impaired

Where is the best place to find out how to do this practice?

  • The best place to find out how to use Student-Directed Transition Planning lesson package to teach knowledge of transition is at the following website: The Zarrow Center 

References used to establish this evidence base:

  • Woods, L. L., Sylvester, L., & Martin, J. E. (2010). Student-directed transition planning: Increasing student knowledge and self-efficacy in the transition planning process. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals33(2), 106–114.


Skills to be Learned

  • Disability Self-Efficacy
  • Knowledge of Transition

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