Practice Descriptions

Video Modeling to Teach Interviewing Skills


What is the practice?

Video modeling is a form of video response prompting. Response prompting is defined as stimuli that later function as extra cues and reminders for desired behavior (Cooper et al., 2007). Video modeling includes watching recorded videos of oneself or others modeling ideal behavior (Bellini & Akullian, 2007).

Video prompting is similar to video modeling in that it teaches a skill through video segments. In video prompting, students watch a segment, do the step in the task that segment showed, then watch another segment, and so on with feedback given at varying intervals depending on the needs of the students and the protocol being following (Hayes et al., 2015).

This practice implemented teaching interviewing skills using video modeling plus video prompting.

In the study used to establish the evidence base for using video modeling to teach interviewing skills, the videos were shown via:

  • A mobile device using an Android application, VidCoach, which allows individuals to watch peer video models as well as record their own videos in response to system delivered prompts.

In the study used to establish the evidence base for using video modeling to teach interviewing skills, the following skills were taught:

  • Appropriate interview behaviors (e.g., not fidgeting, speaking clearly)
  • Proper hygiene in preparation for an interview
  • Presenting ideas logically and succinctly

Where has it been implemented?

 Academic facility with five individual rooms, equipped with video and audio recording equipment for mock interviews, and a waiting room

Where is the best place to find out how to do this practice?

The best place to find out how to use video modeling to teach home maintenance skills is through the following lesson starters. Learn how to develop a video model by reading Kellems et al. (2016).

  • Related Lesson Starter

  • For Developing a Video Model:
    • Kellems, R. O., Mourra, K., Morgan, R. L., Riesen, T., Glasgow, M., & Huddleston, R. (2016). Video modeling and prompting in practice: Teaching cooking skills. Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals, 39(3), 185-190.

References used to establish this evidence base:

  • Hayes, G. R., Custodio, V. E., Haimson, O. L., Nguyen, K., Ringland, K. E., Ulgado, R. R., ... & Weiner, R. (2015). Mobile video modeling for employment interviews for individuals with autism. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 43(3), 275–287.


Skill to be Learned

  • Interviewing Skills

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