Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of video modeling to teach use of a phone for safety skills
Settings and Materials
School classroom, library, department store, grocery store
Cell phone, video models, computer
Content Taught
Using a task analysis, students will be taught how to take and send a picture of their location to a trusted adult when lost.
Teaching Procedures
- Create a video using a video model to show the steps for taking picture of location and sending it to teacher (see Kellems et al., 2016 below).
- Use the computer to show video models and teach each task analysis step to students.
- Give student the phone and prompt them to “show me what to do when you’re lost.” Remove yourself from the student’s line of sight.
- If the student cannot complete the task, use least to most prompting (i.e., verbal prompt from task analysis, add gestural prompt if needed, add modeling prompt if needed) to help them complete the task.
- For generalization sessions, go to an unfamiliar location (e.g., department store, grocery store). Show students the video model and then provide the instructional cue to “show me what to do when you’re lost.”
Task Analysis: Taking Picture of Location and Sending It to Teacher
- Flip phone open
- Press power button (in red letters)
- Wait for home page to load
- Press OK button to access menu options
- Press the number 3 to access camera
- Point camera viewfinder at appropriate sign/location (e.g., Sporting Goods)
- Hold camera still and press OK button to snap picture
- Press OK button (Send option) to save picture and to access list to add recipients
- Click the upper right button (Add option) to access options for contacts
- Click OK button to choose highlighted From Contacts option
- Scroll to teacher's name from list of contacts
- After highlighting teacher's name, click OK button (contact's name will be checked)
- Click the upper left button (Done option) to add recipient's name to list
- Click OK button
- Click OK button (Send option) to send picture and wait in place until teacher arrives
Student performance is evaluated by calculating a percentage of the steps the student completed independently. If a student scores 80% for three consecutive sessions, they move to the generalization phase.
Lesson Starter Based On:
Bassette, L. A., Taber-Doughty, T., Gama, R. I., Alberto, P., Yakubova, G., & Cihak, D. (2018). The use of cell phones to address safety skills for students with a moderate ID in community-based settings. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 33(2), 100–110.
For Developing a Video Model:
llems, R. O., Mourra, K., Morgan, R. L., Riesen, T., Glasgow, M., & Huddleston, R. (2016). Video modeling and prompting in practice: Teaching cooking skills. Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals, 39(3), 185-190.