Objective: To examine the effect of classroom simulation using static picture prompts to teach students to make a purchase using a debit card and track expenses by subtracting purchase amounts and adding deposits into a check register.
Settings and Materials
High school transition office
Research-made simulated debit card machine, instructional scripts, check register, student debit cards, receipts, calculator, and a pencil
Content Taught
How to use a debit card and keep track of expenses
Teaching Procedures
- Teacher reads from instructional script and students are provided with all necessary materials to make a purchase and track withdrawals and deposits
- Teacher sits across from student
- The researcher-made debit card machine is placed in front of the student
- Teacher reads the case scenario included in the day’s instructional script and states the purchase total
- Teacher demonstrates one step of the task analysis as they verbally state the directions, and then, asks the student to complete the steps independently
- If an incorrect response is given, the teacher repeats the step and asks the student to demonstrate the step again
- If a correct response is given, the teacher provides immediate praise and pulls out the picture prompt in the simulated debit card machine to reveal the next screen
- If the student does not respond or gives an incorrect response within 5 seconds, the teacher provides a verbal prompt
Task Analysis
Making a decision based on amount of money in account
- Determine if enough money is in account to make a purchase of "x" amount of dollars
Making a purchase with a debit card
- Answer cashier's question of debit or credit
- Swipe card
- Enter pin number and press enter
- Check amount of purchase to see if it is correct. Yes for correct. No for incorrect
- Select yes or no for cash back
- Wait for approval/ takes receipt
- Put receipt in wallet
Tracking expenses (recording purchases)
- Walk to banking center
- Take receipt out of wallet
- Under column 1, labeled number or code, write card used for a debit
- Under column 2, labeled date, write the date of the transaction
- Under column 3, labeled transaction description, write a description of the transaction
- Under the column 4, labeled payment, fee, withdrawal (-), write the amount of the debit
- Under column 5, total the results using the correct operation in the checkbook register (+ deposits and - for card)
Tracking expenses (recording deposits)
- Find deposit amount in check register
- Write date of deposit
- Write deposit under transaction description
- Write the amount of deposit in deposit, credit (+) column
- Under the last column total results using the correct operation in checkbook register (+ for deposits and - for debit)
Students performance is evaluated by calculating total number of tasks completed independently on the task analysis.
Lesson Starter Based On:
Rowe, D. A., & Test, D. W. (2012). Effects of simulation to teach students with disabilities basic finance skills. Remedial and Special Education, 34(4), 237–248.