
Systems Level Interagency Collaboration: How One State Made it Work – Webinar

Interagency Collaboration, OnDemand, Secondary Education, VR Transition Services, Webinar

Date: September 16, 2021
Time: 12:00 pm EDT / 11:00 am CDT / 10:00 am MDT / 9:00 am PDT
Location: Zoom Webinar
No CRC credits available

About this Event

Interagency collaboration is characterized as an essential feature of school to work transition, yet the field still grapples with it; policymakers strive to define it; researchers struggle with evaluating it; and practitioners have difficulty doing it.

Representatives from Maryland State Departments of Education, Labor, Rehabilitation Services, and Disabilities will share how they successfully executed meaningful and effective “super” Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) regarding transitioning youth. Each agency representative describes their contributions, and the resulting benefits, involved in the interagency collaborative process and building sustainable practices that improve student outcomes.

Training Objectives: 

  • Describe an over-view of inter-agency collaborative systems and methods at the state level.
  • Describe the foundational steps required to build partnerships among key state level agencies involved in executing sustainable MOUs for transitioning youth.
  • Offer an example of a “Super” MOU, executed at the state level, with details regarding the steps required and the specific benefits that accrue to each partner.



Jade Gingerich, Director of Employment Policy
MD Department of Disabilities


Christy Stuart, Chief for Secondary Transition
MD State Department of Education
DIvision of Early INtervention & Special Education Services


Jill Hill, Staff Specialist Transition & Supported Employment
MD Division of Rehabilitation Services


Kristen Patterson, Disability and Youth Services Coordinator
MD Department of Labor


Ellen Fabian, Director
Center for Transition and Career Innovation, University of Maryland


Kelli Crane, Assistant Research Professor
Center for Transition and Career Innovation, University of Maryland

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Related Resources

Map to be used at state and local level to see how well you are making and sustaining individual connections and to determine who else should be at the table: