
Transition Gradebook


The Transition Gradebook is a locally served database application that records transition-related activities from five major areas from NTACT:C’s Predictors of Postschool Success—specifically, Career Awareness, Work Experience, Inclusion, Student Supports, and Collaboration. It also tracks whether a student has received instruction in self-determination, social skills, life skills, and/or transportation skills. Finally, the tool also records some of the risk and protective factors associated with school completion: specifically in the areas of attendance, behavior and course performance, as well as other factors that impact school engagement and postschool outcomes.

The Gradebook generates individual student reports that can be used to support student-focused planning in IEP and transition-team meetings, career-counseling sessions and parent conferences. It can generate a report for a single period of time (quarter, trimester, semester, or year) or operate across multiple periods of time to show growth. It also generates various summary reports of risk factors and provision of services that administrators can use in analyzing trends related to graduation and dropout in their schools, planning for program development, and in demonstrating compliance with WIOA requirements for delivery of Pre-ETS services. Again, these reports can be generated for a single time period or multiple periods.

The tool runs in a Linux environment on a school’s web server, or may be hosted at a cloud-based server (e.g., Heroku) if a school does not have space on their web server. Installation is performed from a Cloud-based service called GitHub.

To install the Gradebook,  read and complete the end user license agreement. When you have done this, you will be redirected to the installation instructions and materials.