Total: 161
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Who Does What? Optimizing Employment Services and Supports Webinar

Various entities, including Vocational Rehabilitation and higher education programs, provide postsecondary education programs for students/youth with intellectual and developmental disability (ID/D). Coordinating different services goes a long way toward a student’s employment outcome, but it can be daunting to know where to start. In this 1.5 hour recorded webinar from Think College, NTACT:C and Think College personnel share an overview of …

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The Role of Centers for Independent Living (CIL)

Centers for Independent Living (CILs) are disability-led organizations that provide a constellation of services, including youth transition services, to people with disabilities. The resources below offer insight into the role of CILs in transition services, and were developed by the Center for Transition and Career Innovation, with support from NTACT:C. Download the CIL Exemplar Brief Download the CILs and Transition …

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“Back to the Future” – Pre-ETS and the Five Required Services

OnDemand, Pre-Employment Transition Services, Training - Pre-Employment Transition Services, Webinar

This webinar will introduce you to a few new resources regarding the provision of pre-employment transition services for students with disabilities. States may choose to use these resources as a companion to existing outreach and marketing materials, as a part of their on-boarding with new staff, or simply as a quick desk reference guide. These new resources include a Compendium to the Delivery of Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS), and a stand alone guide for each of the five required Pre-ETS activities.

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ABLE – Savings Plans for the Future

ABLE—Achieving a Better Life Experience—Accounts are tax-advantaged savings accounts for people with disabilities and their families. ABLE Accounts do not replace other forms of financial assistance, such as SSI, insurance, or programs like SNAP. Rather, ABLE Accounts allow an individual to save post-tax income and use it for disability-related services. NTACT:C and ABLE National Resource Center partnered to create the …

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Federal Reporting Guidance for VR

The resources below are assembled here to provide guidance to State VR agencies for tracking and reporting requirements pre-employment transition services. The resources are directly from RSA or developed by federally-funded TA centers with oversight and guidance from RSA. DCL-24-1: Reporting Students and Pre-ETS DCL 23 03: RSA revised VR Financial Report (RSA-17) Guidance on Reporting of Services Under the …