This practice implemented teaching home maintenance skills using video modeling with embedded prompting strategies.
Person-Centered Planning to Support Students in Developing Future Expectations
Person-Centered Planning is a process that provides the opportunity for individuals with disabilities to be active participants in their transition planning.
Whose Future Is It Anyway? Plus Rocket Reader
Whose Future is it Anyway? is a student-directed transition planning curriculum that emphasizes students preferences, interests, and needs with the goal of students being actively and meaningfully involved in their transition planning.
MASSI to Increase Social Responsiveness
Multimodal Anxiety and Social Skills Intervention (MASSI) is based on the principles of cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), addressing an individual’s thoughts, feelings, and actions, as well as the interactions among these three domains, to bring about desired changes.
Video Modeling to Teach Leisure Skills
This practice implemented teaching leisure skills like origami, selfies, hanging streamers and party signs, decorating with confetti, and shooting a basketball using video modeling.
Video Modeling to Teach Use of an iPad or iPhone
This practice used video modeling to teach use of an ipad or iphone.
Video Modeling to Teach Food Preparation Skills
Video modeling is a form of video response prompting. This practice implemented teaching food preparation skills using video modeling.
Video Modeling to Teach Interviewing Skills
Video modeling includes watching recorded videos of oneself or others modeling ideal behavior.
Student-Directed Transition Planning Lesson Package to Teach Knowledge of Transition
The Student-Directed Transition Planning lesson package aims to provide secondary-aged students instruction in self-determination skills and increase student involvement in their transition IEP processes.
Simulation to Teach Basic Finance Skills
Stores and banks were re-created in a school setting to help teach basic finance skills that could then be generalized to the local community.