
Resource Mapping Toolkit


Seamless transition is a sequential delivery of specific preparatory and coordinated services that begin early in high school and continue beyond school exit. Critical components of those services include intentional activities to assess and build career interests, preferences, and skills including academic instruction and targeted curricula that prepare students and youth with competencies needed to be successful in employment and postsecondary education and/or training.

Resource mapping is often the first step in defining a flow of services. This approach focuses on what the community (e.g., school, vocational rehabilitation, youth agencies and organization, etc.) has to offer by identifying available services and resources that can be aligned to define a flow of services, and ultimately build a seamless transition system. Although the research base for resource mapping is still growing, it is a proven methodology used to link available resources with an agreed upon vision, organizational goals, strategies, or expected outcomes.

To create a seamless transition process, activities at each grade level should promote a natural progression with the goal of the young adult being employed after high school and/or enrolled in postsecondary education or training. Work experiences and paid employment should be central to the flow of services and include job development opportunities for student and youth with disabilities to be exposed to a number of different work experiences that lead to individualized, integrated jobs of their choice. Well-designed and consistently delivered services, focused on integrated employment, can lead to improved competitive employment outcomes for students and youth with disabilities.

Download the Toolkit: Resource Mapping Guide (PDF)

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