The Virginia Department of Education, in conjunction with I’m Determined, hosts MOVE, a three-day summit on a Virginia college campus, welcoming African-American males with disabilities and their families. To put research into practice, MOVE’s model includes: leadership by youth with disabilities, African-American male leaders and mentors, and parent training MOVE strives to empower African-American males with disabilities to overcome barriers, …
Core Data Tools for Dropout Prevention
A set of Excel-based data tools to help districts and schools organize, examine, analyze, and share their data that impact graduation and dropout rates.
Graduation and Dropout Rate Calculator
A tool to calculate student graduation and dropout rates.
Status of State Defined Alternate Diplomas in 2018-19
Summarizes the status of alternate diplomas of eight states.
School Completion Toolkit
Find resources to assist schools in efforts to improve graduation rates and reduce dropout rates of students with disabilities.
Decreasing Dropout Rates for Minority Male Youth with Disabilities from Culturally and Ethnically Diverse Backgrounds
Explores the nature of the dropout rates among three ethnicities (American Indian, African American, and Latino) and strategies to improve graduation rates.
Literature Map of Dropout Prevention Interventions for Students with Disabilities
This document describes a review of effective interventions and provides recommendations for practice, policy, and future research to reduce dropout for students with disabilities.
Reentry Programs for Out-of-School Youth with Disabilities
Reentry initiatives and strategies for recovering out-of-school youth to obtain their high school diplomas.