In this impactful webinar sponsored by NTACT:C and the RAISE Center, families of students with disabilities and other stakeholders, including professionals from education and vocational rehabilitation, will hear directly from others who have navigated the transition from high school to adult life.
Delaware Spotlight on Transition through Partnerships
Delaware has a history of promoting implementation of evidence-based practices, including promoting self-determination and youth leadership development, while attending to compliant IEPs regarding secondary transition. After observing a year of low compliance rates a decade ago, the state reexamined its data collection and program improvement strategies. State Need/Relevant Indicators: Indicator B-13 During the 2014-2015 School Year, the Delaware Department of Education …
Pennsylvania Spotlight on Continuous Improvement
Pennsylvania’s commitment to continuous improvement is exemplified by the positive trends across four indicators. State Need/Relevant Indicators: Indicators B-1 (and 17), B-2, B-13, B-14 Pennsylvania’s efforts around Part B Indicators 1 (and 17), 2, 13, and 14, as outlined in the State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR), are focused on improving educational and post-school outcomes for students with disabilities, with …
Nevada Spotlight on Collaborative Service Delivery
Like all states, Nevada had a goal of improving outcomes. To meet this goal, they focused on increased enrollment in Pre-Employment Services and Career and Technical Education for students with disabilities. State Need/Relevant Indicators: Indicator B-1, B-2, B-14 The focus on increasing enrollment in Pre-Employment Services (Pre-ETS) and Career and Technical Education (CTE) was based on a thorough understanding of …
Utah Spotlight on Improving Postsecondary Outcomes
The Utah Statewide Collaborative on Improving Postsecondary Transition Outcomes for Individuals with Disabilities (STC), created through statute, is a working partnership of all the state agencies and many other organizations focused on improving outcomes for individuals with disabilities. State Need/Relevant Indicators: Indicator B-14 (and 17) The STC examined met for one year, reviewing disaggregated post-school outcome and other data, explored …
Capacity Building Institute (CBI) 2025
Aligned with year’s theme of working toward growth, state-identified delegates will participate in interagency state strategic planning.
No Filters – Part 2: The Realities of College Life
Once you’re on campus, a new set of challenges and opportunities begins. In this session, our panel will share the real, unfiltered experience of navigating college life with a disability.
No Filters – Part 1: The Nuts & Bolts of Getting Ready for College Life
Getting ready for college can feel overwhelming, especially when navigating it with a disability. In this session, we’ll focus on preparing for your college journey while you’re still in high school.
Supporting Interagency Partnerships through Implementation of the CIRCLES Model of Interagency Collaboration
This presentation will overview the CIRCLES model and provide information about recruitment, training, and initial implementation of the model in Arkansas and Tennessee.
Empowering Youth Voices: Strategies and Resources for Self-Determination, Advocacy and Leadership
Join us for an interactive and insightful session designed to empower both youth and adults in fostering a more inclusive and supportive environment for individuals with disabilities.