From the mouths of youth with disabilities….their Top 10 Tips to engage youth!
Unpacking the Side-by-Side View: Pre-Employment, VR, IDEA Transition Services
This training provides a brief orientation to the NTACT:C Side-by-Side View: Pre-Employment, VR, IDEA Transition Services document.
CBVI 2022 Opening Keynote: A Candid Conversation About Transitions
This is the welcome and opening session for the NTACT:C 2022 Capacity Building Institute hosted by the Youth Engagement Transition Initiative (YETI) and Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS).
Supporting American Indian/Alaskan Native Students with Disabilities
Presenters Wayne Dage, Christine Johnson, Thomas Draghi, Maria Nevala, Nicholas Harris, and Joy Kramer present strategies to develop a collaborative plan for the State VR Agencies and AIVRS Programs to provide transition and Pre-ETS to American Indian/Alaskan Native youth with disabilities. Although CRC credit through George Washington University is no longer available, the information is suitable for anyone working with …
MOVE: A Mentoring and Self-Determination Initiative for African American Males with Disabilities
The Virginia Department of Education, in conjunction with I’m Determined, hosts MOVE, a three-day summit on a Virginia college campus, welcoming African-American males with disabilities and their families. To put research into practice, MOVE’s model includes: leadership by youth with disabilities, African-American male leaders and mentors, and parent training MOVE strives to empower African-American males with disabilities to overcome barriers, …
Transition 101
Dr. Jim Martin provides a 1 hour overview of transition planning organized in 8 major categories. This video was developed as an overview for participants of the 2020 NTACT:C Capacity-Building Institute (CBI). This video is a good introduction to transition planning overall and can be used to provide a basis of understanding primarily, with school, agency or other personnel new …