Information to improve coordination of workforce preparation activities and employment services between the the VR and WIOA Youth programs to more effectively serve youth with disabilities.
Competitive Integrated Employment Toolkit
Includes guidance, resources, and a framework to assist State and local teams to collaboratively implement transition services to improve employment outcomes.
Community Rehabilitation Providers Pre-ETS Guidebook
A Focus On Transition Community Rehabilitation Providers (CRPs) have long delivered services that support the transition of students with disabilities from high school to competitive integrated employment. These services have been provided in a variety of settings (i.e., schools, community, and businesses) and supported by funding from a variety of sources (i.e., school districts, Vocational Rehabilitation, Medicaid), typically as students …
Evaluation Toolkit
A collection of guidance and specific examples for state and local teams to use to improve their programs and services by determining what is working, what is not working, and what needs to be changed or replicated.
Transition Institute Toolkit
This resource provides the planning, implementation and evaluation of a transition institute.