Total: 207
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Equal Access to Transition for Students with Complex Support Needs

18 Views CBVI Sessions 2021

About this TrainingNTACT:C and TransCen staff discuss how to best develop and refine a secondary transition process for students with complex support needs. You will: Increase knowledge regarding how IDEA, WIOA, and the CMS-HCBS Final Rule can impact the planning and support of students with complex needs Increase knowledge of effective cross-system resources, strategies, and activities for students with complex …

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Scale-up Strategies for Statewide Professional Development in Transition

9 Views CBVI Sessions 2021

About this TrainingThis session focuses on scale-up strategies to develop high quality statewide cross-agency professional development, using the Transition Tennessee project as an example. You will: Engage stakeholders in providing input on the professional development framework Share results with stakeholders and collaboratively pinpoint pressing training needs Implement all phases of the organizing framework as cross-agency professional development is offered statewide …

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Partnering to Align Work-based Learning and Work Experiences for Students with Disabilities

16 Views CBVI Sessions 2021

About this TrainingVirginia and Tennessee share examples of projects they have developed to align agency efforts and to include employers more effectively in the delivery of experiences. The outcome of their efforts supports students to build skills in their chosen career pathway that match employers’ needs in their communities. You will: Understand the benefit of partnering across agencies to provide …

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Pre-Employment Transition Services Planning and Delivery for Students who are Blind

14 Views CBVI Sessions 2021

About this TrainingPart 1 focuses on planning and delivery of Pre-Employment Transition Services to students who are blind or low vision. A multi-state collaboration to create a virtual meeting space for blind student serves as a case study on how collaborative efforts achieve positive student outcomes. Part 2 addresses critical issues affecting student outcomes. Presenters discuss best practices in collaboration, …

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Preparing Students with Disabilities for STEM Careers

4 Views CBVI Sessions 2021

About this TrainingPractitioners from two schools share strategies they use to help students learn about their STEM interests, and increase students’ participation in STEM opportunities in their schools and communities. Presenters share about STEM career opportunities that do not require a four-year degree and are broadly available to everyone, regardless of characteristics such as sex/gender, geographic location, race/ethnicity, and disability. …

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Equity and Access for Students with Disabilities in Local Career and Technical Education Programming

8 Views CBVI Sessions 2021

About this TrainingIndiana and Arkansas share how they use data to support collaboration across Career & Technical Education, Vocational Rehabilitation and Special Education at the local level. You will: Learn strategies for using data to improve Career & Technical Education, Vocational Rehabilitation and Special Education programming for students with disabilities Take what you learned back to your state team planning …

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Facing the Data – A Mentoring and Self-Determination Initiative for African American Males with Disabilities

14 Views CBVI Sessions 2021

About this TrainingMOVE, produced by the Virginia Department of Education, includes leadership by youth with disabilities, African American male leaders and mentors, and parent training. MOVE’s model empowers African American males with disabilities to overcome barriers, become self-determined, and graduate high school, college and be career-ready. Youth and facilitators offer insight into how they have historically made connections with African …

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Work-based Learning Across CTE, VR, and SPED: Differences and Similarities

18 Views CBVI Sessions 2021

About this TrainingFederal personnel  share their respective office’s take on the definition and implementation of work-based learning experiences. A brief question and answer is included. You will: Gain the federal perspective from three offices/agencies about work-based learning experiences for students and youth with disabilities Understand the similarities and differences of work-based learning experiences across the three agencies/offices Learn from live …

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Disability as Possibility

5 Views CBVI Sessions 2021

About this TrainingFrom his personal experience of autism and his research on expectations on outcomes for students and youth with disabilities, Hari challenges professionals, educators and providers to guide students in developing their own agency and quality of life. With the perspective of “disability as possibility,” Hari compares the journey to that of navigating road construction: taking detours, challenging the …