This webinar highlights the importance of including Pre-ETS in quality assurance case file reviews and demonstrates how to leverage the results for identifying program performance and Pre-ETS trends to inform strategic planning.
Enhancing Youth Ability to Travel through Instruction and Community Partnerships
Join national leaders in this interactive webinar to learn about the key elements of community navigation, accessibility, and using a variety of transportation services.
Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) – Micro Training Series
Learn more about Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) in the 3-part micro training series.
Transition Services & Contemporary Mental Health Related Issues & Approaches – Part 3
Join us for Part 3 of exploring issues that can impact the mental health of individuals who have reached the developmental period associated with transition services.
Pre-Employment Transition Services Program Planning and Set-Aside Determination
This webinar will review key elements from the revised set aside determination guide and Pre-ETS strategic planning guide and how these work in concert for planning.
Re-Imagining Student and Youth Engagement: Awareness to Action
Learn how shifting the power differential in the youth-transition relationship from being the “adult” to being an active adult ally supports student and youth engagement and meaningful involvement.
Engaging with Families Training Module
Families are an important part of a student’s development. Traditional, non-traditional, biological, foster, or adoptive families provide vital support throughout students’ lives, including during the transition to adulthood. However, transition outcomes associated with traditional employment, postsecondary education, and independent living may not always align with the values that historically marginalized families consider most important. The goal of this module is …
Interagency Collaboration Training Module
Like all young adults, students with disabilities require support as they leave school and enter the adult world. For students with disabilities, there may be many agencies and organizations that provide supports and services. Oftentimes, these services can be confusing and overwhelming for families. That’s why interagency collaboration is a must! The purpose of this module is to give you …
Webinar: State and Tribal VR Working Together Part 2: Partnerships That Allow Students and Youth with Disabilities to Succeed
Join us for Part 2 as we go deeper into the conversation! We will look at what are transition services and pre-employment transition services, the importance of the MOA/MOU collaboration between State Vocational Rehabilitation agencies and Tribal Vocational Rehabilitation agencies and how to better serve our students and youth with disabilities.
Pre-Employment Transition Services: Beyond Implementation
This webinar will provide information on the national trends in data related to pre-employment transition services and implications for students with disabilities and the broader Vocational Rehabilitation program.