Total: 207
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Predictor Taxonomy Crosswalk

The Predictor Taxonomy Crosswalk embeds the predictors of post-school success within the Taxonomy for Transition Programming 2.0 framework areas. This crosswalk provides a resource for stakeholders who are using tools, such as the Taxonomy for Transition Programming 2.0 and the Predictor Implementation Self-Assessment (PISA), to identify connections between services, skills, and programs to improve outcomes for students with youth with disabilities. …

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Pre-Employment Transition Services Strategic Planning: A Collaborative Approach Webinar – Part 1

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The Pre-ETS Strategic Planning Guide that has been developed as a resource for State VR agencies will be discussed, and key strategies for effective strategic planning will be highlighted.

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RehabData Workgroup Pre-Employment Transition Services Data Tools

The RehabData Workgroup has developed multiple data tools for collecting, analyzing, and reporting data related to the provision of pre-employment transition services. Download the Pre-Employment Transition Services Data Tool (XLSX) Download the Other Measures That Matter (RehabData Group) (docx) Download the Measurable Gains Data Tool (xlsb)

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Indicator 14 Post-School Outcomes Data Collection and Analysis Resources

The federal reporting requirements for special education under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA) require State Education Agencies to submit a six-year State Performance Plan (SPP) and Annual Performance Report (APR) to the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP). The plan includes Monitoring Priorities and Indicators. The post-school outcomes data collection indicator (#14) is in the …

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Risk Calculator Tool to Assess & Address Dropout

Students who drop out of high school generally have outcomes that are poorer than their peers who complete school. As a result, it is in everyone’s best interest to identify students who are at risk of dropping out early in their school careers and provide them the interventions and supports that will help them stay in school and succeed there. …

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Quality Indicator Checklists

These are the quality indicator checklists used to review research articles for the purpose of determining level of evidence for a specific practice. QI Checklist CORRELATIONAL (docx) QI Checklist GROUP (docx) QI Checklist MIXED METHODS (docx) QI Checklist QUALITATIVE (docx) QI Checklist SINGLE CASE (docx)