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Life Hacks for Transition: Episode 1

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In this premiere episode, Amy and Christy gather at a virtual coffee shop to introduce Life Hacks for Transition and give an overview of work-based learning experiences: what are they? Why are they important? What roles do families and educators play in the process? Tune in to find out!

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2020 OSEP Part B Indicator Analysis

Each year, NTACT:C (and before that, NTACT) has analyzed and summarized the data for the IDEA Part B Indicators: 1 (Graduation Rate), 2 (Dropout Rate), 13 (Secondary Transition), and 14 (Post-School Outcomes). These analyses are combined with the data analyses and reports of the other IDEA Part B Indicators that are completed by other centers and entities (see the Table …

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Supporting American Indian/Alaskan Native Students with Disabilities

Presenters Wayne Dage, Christine Johnson, Thomas Draghi, Maria Nevala, Nicholas Harris, and Joy Kramer present strategies to develop a collaborative plan for the State VR Agencies and AIVRS Programs to provide transition and Pre-ETS to American Indian/Alaskan Native youth with disabilities. Although CRC credit through George Washington University is no longer available, the information is suitable for anyone working with …

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VR Continuum of Services

Since the amendments to the Rehabilitation Act made by title IV of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), the vocational rehabilitation (VR) program can be characterized as providing a continuum of services beginning with pre-employment transition services (Pre-ETS) for students with disabilities in the early stages of career and employment exploration. We created this simple continuum to provide a …

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Fiscal and Reporting Resources

The links and resources below pertain to the tracking and reporting of pre-employment transition services and requirements for the reservation of the funds reserved. Time Allocation Guide for Pre-Employment Transition Services Pre-Employment Transition Services: Set Aside Determination Guide RSA-911 Case Service Reporting  RSA-17 Instructions for Vocational Rehabilitation Financial Report