Total: 25
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Our Impact – Stories from States

Offering information, tools, and supports across 13 technical assistance areas, NTACT:C supports state teams to improve practices that promote better outcomes for students and youth with disabilities. Read on for stories from states that have achieved successful outcomes after partnering with us. Improving Outcomes in Rural Communities in Arkansas and Virginia (PDF) Successful Practices in Nevada (PDF) (or watch the …

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NTACT:C Strategic Team Planning Pre-Assessment

Use this pre-assessment with your team prior to the NTACT:C CBI. It will help your team use the team working sessions during CBI more effectively and efficiently. There are two versions – one in MS Word and one in MS Excel. Pick the one that works best for you! Download the NTACT:C Strategic Planning Pre-Assessment (xls) Download the NTACT:C Strategic …

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Who Does What? Optimizing Employment Services and Supports Webinar

Various entities, including Vocational Rehabilitation and higher education programs, provide postsecondary education programs for students/youth with intellectual and developmental disability (ID/D). Coordinating different services goes a long way toward a student’s employment outcome, but it can be daunting to know where to start. In this 1.5 hour recorded webinar from Think College, NTACT:C and Think College personnel share an overview of …

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The Role of Centers for Independent Living (CIL)

Centers for Independent Living (CILs) are disability-led organizations that provide a constellation of services, including youth transition services, to people with disabilities. The resources below offer insight into the role of CILs in transition services, and were developed by the Center for Transition and Career Innovation, with support from NTACT:C. Download the CIL Exemplar Brief Download the CILs and Transition …

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Interagency Collaboration Training Module

Like all young adults, students with disabilities require support as they leave school and enter the adult world. For students with disabilities, there may be many agencies and organizations that provide supports and services. Oftentimes, these services can be confusing and overwhelming for families. That’s why interagency collaboration is a must! The purpose of this module is to give you …

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State Team Planning Tool & Resources

A key technical assistance activity that we at NTACT:C provide is resources and support to states that are engaging in state-level interagency team planning.  We have created a number of tools and resources state interagency teams can use to prepare for and participate in quality team planning. Below are a few resources team leads can use with their teams prior …

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Enhancing Interagency Collaboration: Strategies to Improve Student Experiences in CTE

946 Views Interagency Collaboration, OnDemand, Training - Interagency Collaboration, Webinar

This webinar will provide a synthesis of information gained from state personnel across Career Technical Education (CTE), Vocational Rehabilitation (VR), and Special Education (SpEd) interviewed regarding how their state developed collaborative processes across CTE, VR, and SpEd agencies/offices.