This webinar provides an overview of the VR Transition Services to Groups authority and when an agency may want to use the Services to Groups authority.
Types of Vocational Rehabilitation Transition Services
This resource provides an overview of three types of vocational rehabilitation transition services.
Fiscal and Reporting Resources
The links and resources below pertain to the tracking and reporting of pre-employment transition services and requirements for the reservation of the funds reserved. Time Allocation Guide for Pre-Employment Transition Services Pre-Employment Transition Services: Set Aside Determination Guide RSA-911 Case Service Reporting RSA-17 Instructions for Vocational Rehabilitation Financial Report
It Takes Two: Collaboration Between VR and Education to Deliver Pre-Employment Transition Services – Webinar
This webinar describes how Vermont’s collaborative activities have improved the coordination and delivery of pre-employment transition services to secondary students with disabilities.
Pre-Employment Transition Services Strategic Planning: A Collaborative Approach Webinar – Part 2
This training addresses the importance of collaboration with education, data sharing, and analyzing the impact of Pre-ETS programs and services. Idaho VR shares their experience implementing a strategic planning for evaluating Pre-ETS services, identifying what worked, challenges, and next steps.
Pre-Employment Transition Services Strategic Planning: A Collaborative Approach Webinar – Part 1
The Pre-ETS Strategic Planning Guide that has been developed as a resource for State VR agencies will be discussed, and key strategies for effective strategic planning will be highlighted.
RehabData Workgroup Pre-Employment Transition Services Data Tool – Webinar
Recorded December 2020The Pre-Employment Transition Services Data Tool is intended to provide national and state level data related to the provision of pre employment transition services to students with disabilities. It can provide a resource for state VR agencies to analyze their pre-employment transition services implementation service delivery and compare it to similar states and or agencies in a variety …
Strategies for Managing the Pre-Employment Transition Services 15% Minimum Reserve Requirement
This guide includes ten strategies for managing the 15% requirement.
Strategies for Managing the 15% Reservation of Funds
In this training, we will highlight 10 thought-provoking strategies, and offer potential ways of looking at your pre-employment transition services resource management.
Pre-ETS Strategic Planning Guide
The Pre-ETS Strategic Planning Guide is designed to help State Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies organize and plan the delivery of pre-employment transition services (Pre-ETS) for students with disabilities.