ABLE—Achieving a Better Life Experience—Accounts are tax-advantaged savings accounts for people with disabilities and their families. ABLE Accounts do not replace other forms of financial assistance, such as SSI, insurance, or programs like SNAP. Rather, ABLE Accounts allow an individual to save post-tax income and use it for disability-related services. NTACT:C and ABLE National Resource Center partnered to create the …
Collaborative Assessment Guide for Transition Planning Services
Designed for practitioners, this toolkit provides comprehensive view of transition assessment as well as multiple resources to use.
Interagency Agreement Toolkit
Guidance on the development of the formal interagency agreement between the vocational rehabilitation and education agencies as part of the implementation of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act.
Competitive Integrated Employment Toolkit
Includes guidance, resources, and a framework to assist State and local teams to collaboratively implement transition services to improve employment outcomes.
Student Progress Monitoring Toolkit
This toolkit provides an overview of the importance of data-driven decision making in education and services for middle and high school students with disabilities.
School-based Enterprise Toolkit
Examples, guidance, and planning resources for educators, service providers, and students in planning and implementing a school-based enterprise work experience for students with disabilities are included in this resource.
School Completion Toolkit
Find resources to assist schools in efforts to improve graduation rates and reduce dropout rates of students with disabilities.
Indicator 13 Data Collection Toolkit
Provides resources and guidance on collecting quality Indicator B-13 data in order to make data-based decisions from it.
Resource Mapping Toolkit
Resource mapping is often the first step in defining a flow of services. This toolkit focuses on what the community (e.g., school, vocational rehabilitation, youth agencies and organization, etc.) have to offer by identifying available services and resources.
Postsecondary Education & Training Preparation Toolkit
This toolkit is designed for students with a disability, family members, service providers, or educators to consider options and plan for access and success across a variety of postsecondary education and training opportunities.
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