In this webinar, get an introduction to the RSA and IDEA data states collect and learn how these data can be used for program improvement.
Strategies for Meaningful Student/Youth/Young Adult Engagement on State and Local Teams
This session will provide state and local interagency team members with strategies and resources to meaningfully engage students, youth, and young adults in transition team meetings and related activities.
CIRCLES: Teaming to Build Collaborative Partnerships
This webinar will provide an overview of CIRCLES – Communicating Interagency Relationships and Collaborative Linkages for Exceptional Students – including information about the multi-level teams and process.
Locating and Re-Engaging Secondary Students with Disabilities Watch Party
This interactive Watch Party will highlight the newly released NTACT:C resource Locating and Re-Engaging Secondary Students with Disabilities.
It Takes Two: Collaboration Between VR and Education to Deliver Pre-Employment Transition Services – Webinar
This webinar describes how Vermont’s collaborative activities have improved the coordination and delivery of pre-employment transition services to secondary students with disabilities.
Pre-Employment Transition Services Strategic Planning: A Collaborative Approach Webinar – Part 2
This training addresses the importance of collaboration with education, data sharing, and analyzing the impact of Pre-ETS programs and services. Idaho VR shares their experience implementing a strategic planning for evaluating Pre-ETS services, identifying what worked, challenges, and next steps.
Systems Level Interagency Collaboration: How One State Made it Work – Webinar
Representatives from Maryland State Departments of Education, Labor, Rehabilitation Services, and Disabilities will share how they successfully executed meaningful and effective “super” Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) regarding transitioning youth.
Pre-Employment Transition Services Strategic Planning: A Collaborative Approach Webinar – Part 1
The Pre-ETS Strategic Planning Guide that has been developed as a resource for State VR agencies will be discussed, and key strategies for effective strategic planning will be highlighted.
Strategies for Managing the 15% Reservation of Funds
In this training, we will highlight 10 thought-provoking strategies, and offer potential ways of looking at your pre-employment transition services resource management.
Understanding the Big Picture: The Connection between Disability and Poverty and Why Financial Capability Matters
By looking at the intersection between disability and poverty, this webinar will address myths and share strategies to promote financial capabilities and gainful employment for youth with disabilities living in or near poverty.