We identify effective practices (eg)for instruction and service delivery for secondary students and out-of-school youth with disabilities. Our goal is to translate knowledge gained from research into resources that help practitioners use this information in their daily work to improve outcomes for young adults with disabilities. The content here is included so researchers and others can be confident that the …
State Team Celebration and Sharing of State Plans for 2022-23
This video contains a review of 28 states’ interagency strategic plans for secondary transition capacity building for 2022-23.
Self-Determination Presenter Guide
This presenter guide is a set of resources for conducting a 1-hour professional development on teaching self-determination to students with disabilities. We welcome your feedback on their use. The PowerPoint cannot be edited to maintain the accuracy of the resources. Facilitator notes for each slide are included and provide guidance on how to use the additional materials assembled here for …
2020 OSEP Part B Indicator Analysis
Each year, NTACT:C (and before that, NTACT) has analyzed and summarized the data for the IDEA Part B Indicators: 1 (Graduation Rate), 2 (Dropout Rate), 13 (Secondary Transition), and 14 (Post-School Outcomes). These analyses are combined with the data analyses and reports of the other IDEA Part B Indicators that are completed by other centers and entities (see the Table …
Understanding and Using Data to Improve Outcomes for Students with Disabilities
In this webinar, get an introduction to the RSA and IDEA data states collect and learn how these data can be used for program improvement.
Strategies for Meaningful Student/Youth/Young Adult Engagement on State and Local Teams
This session will provide state and local interagency team members with strategies and resources to meaningfully engage students, youth, and young adults in transition team meetings and related activities.
CIRCLES: Teaming to Build Collaborative Partnerships
This webinar will provide an overview of CIRCLES – Communicating Interagency Relationships and Collaborative Linkages for Exceptional Students – including information about the multi-level teams and process.
Side By Side View: Transition Services
NTACT:C partners have developed this document to help compare and contrast the transition services requirements for Education, Vocational Rehabilitation (VR), including Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) consistent with the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) and the Rehabilitation Act as amended by WIOA. Organized by major parts of these laws, this document outlines how each entity addresses: Definitions of transition services Target …
Indicator 13 Checklists
Originally developed by NSTTAC these checklists have been used to identify how IEPs meet minimum compliance with Indicator 13, the transition requirements of the IEP. These checklists have been developed to provide professional development to transition personnel . Indicator 13 states: “Percent of youth with IEPs aged 16 and above with an IEP that includes appropriate measurable postsecondary goals that are …
NTACT:C Levels of Technical Assistance
NTACT:C builds state agency capacity to: use data-based decision making processes strengthen interagency partnerships provide quality professional development and implement technical assistance (TA) supports. This technical assistance is in the form of universal, targeted, and intensive levels so that all students and youth with disabilities experience increased enrollment in: postsecondary education graduation credential attainment competitive integrated employment and community engagement. …