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Understanding the Big Picture: The Connection between Disability and Poverty and Why Financial Capability Matters

3770 Views Employment, OnDemand, Secondary Education, Training, VR Transition Services, Webinar

By looking at the intersection between disability and poverty, this webinar will address myths and share strategies to promote financial capabilities and gainful employment for youth with disabilities living in or near poverty.

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Transition 101

Dr. Jim Martin provides a 1 hour overview of transition planning organized in 8 major categories. This video was developed as an overview for participants of the 2020 NTACT:C Capacity-Building Institute (CBI). This video is a good introduction to transition planning overall and can be used to provide a basis of understanding primarily, with school, agency or other personnel new …

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Culturally Responsive Practices and PBIS Annotated Bibliography

This annotated bibliography provides a practical overview of the research base behind culturally responsible positive behavioral interventions and supports that can be used to improve outcomes of students with disabilities and decrease exclusionary disciplinary practices. Download the Culturally Responsive Practices & PBIS Annotated Bibliography (PDF)